Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fritattas for Easter Breakfast or How to Use up Leftovers

When my husband and I were dating our families lived just a few miles apart.  This was great.  We could go to every holiday with both families.  The only problem was the indigestion at the end of the day from all the food we ate.  Gradually, we came to realize that we just couldn't keep doing that so we shifted to a meal with one family and dessert with the other.  That worked well, too, until we had four kids and all the moving between houses became more difficult.  Then we divied up the holidays by our personal favorite dishes.  My hubby's favorite holiday foods were served on Easter which included brunch and dinner, and my favorites were on Thanksgiving.  That was pretty easy!

I've already shared how to make his favorite stuffed artichokes.  His second favorite menu item was the fritattas.  Grandma usually made three:  cheese, bacon, and pepperoni.  She never combined the flavors.  I now make at least four and have started combining the flavors.  This year we had cheese; bacon and cheese; pepperoni and cheese; and then a mushroom, bacon, pepperoni and cheese.  They were delicious!

There are many ways to make a fritatta I'm sure, but this is how we do it.

Warm a deep-sided frying pan on the stove. Generously grease with butter, maybe 2 T. Don't skimp on this or the fritatta will not flip properly.

Crack and beat 12 eggs. Pour into pan. Reduce heat and let set a bit. I often gently move eggs so that the top will cook, but keep it flat as in preparing an omelette.

Sprinkle with your choice of the following toppings:
cheese - colby, cheddar, mozzerella, provolone (1 1/2 cups)
meats - pepperoni, crumbled bacon (about 2 cups)
veggie - as desired, but saute ahead of putting them in a fritatta

While the fritatta is cooking, warm a second pan and generously grease as well.

When the fritatta is mostly set, place the second pan over the first. Hold them TIGHTLY together (I do this with a towel instead of hot pads) and quickly flip the fritatta into the second pan. Continue cooking until completely done over a low heat.

Slip it out onto a plate and cut. You can slice it like a pizza or like a tic-tac-toe frame, just like Grandma Alice.

Repeat the process for each fritatta.  Covered with foil they stay warm until serving time.  I like to make two at a time.

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