Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Not so Perfect Week

Weeks like this are my least favorite.  They can best be described as being in limbo which is never a comfy spot for planners and control freaks.  Why limbo?  All of the meals on the monthly calendar have been eaten and what is left is an assortment of half-meals.  There are several containers of red sauce, a bag  of meatballs, some turkey burgers, the remnants of a tub of sherbet (who bought that?), hot dogs, and veggies.  I thought we'd have meatball sandwiches but there are no French rolls because I used them for garlic bread for another meal.  There is a tub of raviolli, but one can only eat so much pasta. We are overdone on the turkey burgers from our Memorial Day bar-b-que, and so it goes. 

The upside is that this is the perfect week to try new recipes or to indulge in trying a new prepared meal from the warehouse store.  During our weekly shopping trip we take our coupons to Costco and often buy a prepared meal in the freezer section that is on sale.  I put them in the freezer for weeks such as these. 

I can hardly wait for cooking day tomorrow so that my freezer will be full once again.  I try to avoid these lags between menus, but sometimes it just can't be helped.  It is good to be reminded of why I do what I do and to know that it continues to be a valuable process for our family.  And so, Spring II menu, here I come!

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